October 2023

"I signed the disability inclusion pledge" #pledgeinclusion SHRM logo, Able Today logo, ODEP logo.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October 2023 – We are happy to share that KabaFusion has joined the 2023 Disability Inclusion Pledge. This pledge, initiated by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, ABLE today, and the Society for Human Resource Management, shows our commitment to creating a workplace that welcomes, supports, and values people with disabilities. This is part of our ongoing commitment to have KabaFusion be a diverse and inclusive employer.

Kayla’s Patient Success Story

October 12, 2023 – The KabaFusion Huntsville pharmacy services Kayla, a young woman that suffers from severe gastroparesis, or inadequate stomach emptying. KabaFusion provides Kayla with parenteral nutrition (PN), a form of IV nutrition that meets her calorie, protein, and nutrient needs since eating and absorbing food through her gastrointestinal tract is not possible. Kayla says, “I would starve without PN” and is grateful to be able to receive this treatment at home.

Gus’ Story

October 9, 2023 –
In honor of PANDAS PANS Awareness Day, we wanted to share Gus & his family’s story about their personal journey and subsequent experience with IVIG; Infectious Brain Inflammation—Child in Crisis